Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record (EHR) is defined as a standardized and digital medical record system. The electronic record is a virtual environment where various health, clinical, and administrative information is stored. With this digital storage, there is up to a 70% reduction in errors in prescriptions and medical records. The advantages of this type of digital record are undeniable.

Among them, the following can be highlighted: quick access to current health issues and interventions; access to updated scientific knowledge, leading to improved decision-making processes; contribution to the effectiveness and continuity of treatments; and cost reduction through more efficient resource allocation.

The Electronic Health Record is a citizen’s tool, an integration piece in the healthcare system that connects various professionals. This technological innovation brings more security and quality to patient diagnosis, gathering all patient and treatment information in one place in real-time. The implementation of EHR in all Basic Health Units (UBS) in the country is supported by the federal government, as per Ministry of Health ordinance (2,400/2011). However, a significant portion of UBS has not yet implemented this new system.

What is the Electronic Health Record (EHR)


The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an electronic system designed specifically to support users with qualified data. In practice, this means a system capable of capturing data from various sources involving multiple healthcare professionals and consolidating them in one place, facilitating access to past patient data for future treatments.

The Electronic Health Record is an integration system capable of storing information from different locations, creating an accessible history of the treatments and medications used by the patient. There is collaboration for a horizontal organization where there is no central professional, as everyone works together for the patient’s better health. This is a significant advantage for the patient, who becomes the client of healthcare services rather than the doctor.

Therefore, EHR is ahead because physical records often lose information in the transit between departments and healthcare units. There is much noise that can be eliminated by centralizing the information source in one accessible place.

Advantages of the Electronic Health Record:

Cost reduction

The record involves integrating various healthcare areas, which can bring savings in various areas. An example of this would be reducing the prescription of medications that have already been prescribed to the patient. There is also significant savings in the redundancy of certain requests and the use of physical materials such as paper, printing, office supplies, and folders.

Increased productivity

Undoubtedly, there is tremendous time savings for professionals to retrieve previous patient information, as all of it will be gathered in one place.

Epidemiological control

By analyzing data from treatments and diagnoses, it is possible to create strategies based on mapping regions affected by diseases. This helps identify where patients come from and predict the onset of an epidemic.

Mandatory data

EHR can be configured to require the addition of certain data, such as height, weight, blood pressure, life cycle, and others. This reduces negligence in collecting patient data.

ACONE’s Solution

ACONE offers a practical and modern solution. Contact us so we can find the best project for your municipality. We work with a fully modular system, where you only acquire what you need.