About Us

The history of ACONE

The Assessoria e Consultoria Empresarial Ltda. (ACONE) was founded in 2001

ACONE is synonymous with innovation

Everything began when ACONE used the internet as a tool for access to bring citizens closer to healthcare services, becoming the first company in Brazil to develop a project in the field of regulation for the SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System). This product was created in March 1999, and since then, the company has continued to develop Information Technology products focused on the healthcare sector, serving Brazilian municipalities. Its first product made headlines on Jornal Nacional:


With the implementation of the Internet Appointment Booking Center for Consultations and Exams at the Women’s Reference Center in Sergipe, the state and SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System) took a step into the future. Municipalities that previously lacked internet access installed the service, putting an end to the endless waiting queues. Thus, through ACONE, SUS became a pioneer worldwide by implementing the first internet-based appointment scheduling system.


The ACONE project was highlighted on Rede Globo television and featured on Jornal Nacional as a social innovation of great benefit to the population (click here to watch).


The implementation of the Regulation Center was carried out throughout the state of Sergipe, covering seventy-five municipalities, using the tools PLANO DIRETOR DE REGIONALIZAÇÃO (Regionalization Master Plan), PROGRAMA DE PACTUAÇÃO INTEGRADA (Integrated Pact Program), and BOLETIM DE PROCEDIMENTO AMBULATORIAL (Ambulatory Procedure Bulletin) automated. Additionally, the virtual SUS card was created, allowing citizens to perform their procedures with just one click, while managers could identify necessary improvements. With the integrated management of Aracaju, state and municipal centers could communicate transparently, eliminating long lines in Bahia and Geru streets, marking the beginning of a new era in healthcare service delivery.


Between 2006 and 2007, ACONE transferred technology to the Ministry of Health for the development of SISREGIII, the Ministry’s first online system. This enabled better utilization of the SUS card by patients and more efficient management of services offered.

The company demonstrates extensive market experience, maintaining its operational system 24/7 with competence, agility, and low cost. Always innovating, it aims to provide effective governance for its clients and greater comfort and humanization for Brazilian citizens.

From a simple idea, it transformed the lives of millions of Brazilians and generated approximately R$ 1 billion in savings for public health.


Implementation of the state central regulation of outpatient procedures (AMB), High-Complexity/Cost Procedure Authorizations (APAC), and Hospital Admission Authorizations (AIH) throughout the state of Sergipe.
A ACONE received funding in the first edition of the TECNOVA Program with the aim of developing innovative solutions. (click here to learn more).


With over 30 million regulated procedures in our history, we launched SaúdeNet 4.0, bringing quality healthcare to 2.2 million residents. 

ACONE was honored in the Fundeci 02/2017 Notice – Productivity and Competitiveness from Banco do Nordeste (BNB). This notice focuses on technological and organizational innovations, aiming to foster Research, Development, and Innovation projects through agreements with non-profit public and private institutions. (learn more)


We want to help you transform healthcare management in your municipality.