Financial Support

About INOVA-SE / 2011

INOVA-SE is the Sergipe State Industrial Development Program (PSDI), which aims to promote the economic and industrial development of the state of Sergipe. This program is an initiative of the state government and seeks to encourage innovation, entrepreneurship, and the competitiveness of local businesses.

INOVA-SE offers various types of support, including tax incentives, financing, and technical assistance for companies investing in research, development, and innovation. The program also promotes collaboration between research institutions, businesses, and the government to foster an environment conducive to technological and industrial development.

To read the Sergipe State Government’s article on resources for companies approved under INOVA-SE, click here.

About TECNOVA / 2012

The TECNOVA Program is an initiative of the Brazilian government, implemented by FINEP (Financier of Studies and Projects) in partnership with state research support foundations, such as FAPITEC (Foundation for Research and Technological Innovation of the State of Sergipe) in Sergipe. The program aims to provide financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises to develop innovative products, processes, and services, enhancing their competitiveness and contributing to the country’s technological and economic development.

TECNOVA offers non-repayable resources for innovative projects that show market potential and economic impact. The areas of interest vary according to the call for proposals but generally include sectors such as information technology, biotechnology, health, energy, agribusiness, among others.

In 2012, ACONE received financial support from TECNOVA 1. The program is currently in its third edition.

About FUNDECI Call / 2017

The Fundeci Call 02/2017 is related to supporting projects aimed at increasing the productivity and competitiveness of businesses and initiatives in the area of operation of Banco do Nordeste (BNB). This call was a partnership between Fundeci and BNB to foster innovation and regional development.

The objectives of the Call were:

  1. To support projects that improve the efficiency and productivity of companies.
  2. To encourage the adoption of technologies and practices to increase the competitiveness of businesses in the market.


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